1 |
Overview |
text |
http://people.apache.org/ |
2 |
Committers |
text |
http://people.apache.org/committer-index.html |
3 |
Planet Apache |
text |
http://planet.apache.org/ |
4 |
Community Development |
text |
http://community.apache.org/ |
5 |
Help Wanted |
text |
http://helpwanted.apache.org/ |
6 |
ApacheCon |
text |
http://www.apachecon.com/ |
7 |
Contribute |
text |
https://community.apache.org/contributors/ |
8 |
Apache Spatial Information System |
text |
http://sis.apache.org/ |
9 |
Learn More... |
text |
http://sis.apache.org/ |
10 |
Apache OpenJPA |
text |
http://openjpa.apache.org |
11 |
Learn More... |
text |
http://openjpa.apache.org |
12 |
Apache Storm |
text |
http://storm.apache.org/ |
13 |
Learn More... |
text |
http://storm.apache.org/ |
14 |
Foundation Blog |
text |
https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/ |
15 |
@TheASF on Twitter |
text |
https://twitter.com/theasf |
16 |
[ANNOUNCE] Apache S2Graph 0.1.0-incubating release |
text |
http://mail-archives.us.apache.org/mod_mbox/www-announce/201611.mbox/%3ccangpmexat2sn6cpdvnuw9=vnmctdraqbksx4=ngtpz29m2iapw@mail.gmail.com%3e |
17 |
[ANNOUNCE] Apache MINA 2.0.16 released |
text |
http://mail-archives.us.apache.org/mod_mbox/www-announce/201611.mbox/%3ccag8=frhn4-ncyaa+0x1ra+smdk1aqbstotqrxhspa6yw_+0yjw@mail.gmail.com%3e |
18 |
[ANNOUNCE] Apache FtpServer 1.1.0 released |
text |
http://mail-archives.us.apache.org/mod_mbox/www-announce/201611.mbox/%3ccag8=fritzq3a=cavgsqpl9tdrrevyrpavm+1c_obhqzlrr8yag@mail.gmail.com%3e |
19 |
@ |
text |
https://twitter.com/theasf/statuses/793473252169424896 |
20 |
TheASF |
text |
http://twitter.com/theasf |
21 |
https://t.co/S9r9OpvDZ2 |
text |
https://t.co/s9r9opvdz2 |
22 |
#Apache |
text |
http://twitter.com/search?q=%23apache |
23 |
@ |
text |
https://twitter.com/theasf/statuses/793404063853404160 |
24 |
TheASF |
text |
http://twitter.com/theasf |
25 |
#ApacheBigData |
text |
http://twitter.com/search?q=%23apachebigdata |
26 |
@ApacheCon |
text |
http://twitter.com/apachecon |
27 |
https://t.co/DnSA0nHmrH |
text |
https://t.co/dnsa0nhmrh |
28 |
#Apache |
text |
http://twitter.com/search?q=%23apache |
29 |
#conference |
text |
http://twitter.com/search?q=%23conference |
30 |
#Europe |
text |
http://twitter.com/search?q=%23europe |
31 |
@ |
text |
https://twitter.com/theasf/statuses/793193175187849216 |
32 |
TheASF |
text |
http://twitter.com/theasf |
33 |
@soilandreyes |
text |
http://twitter.com/soilandreyes |
34 |
@stsffap |
text |
http://twitter.com/stsffap |
35 |
Apache Blogs |
text |
https://blogs.apache.org/ |
36 |
The Apache Traffic Server Project’s Next Chapter |
text |
https://blogs.apache.org/trafficserver/entry/the_apache_traffic_server_project |
37 |
[ANN] Apache Isis version 1.13.1 Released |
text |
https://blogs.apache.org/isis/entry/ann_apache_isis_version_16 |
38 |
The Apache News Round-up: week ending 28 October 2016 |
text |
https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/entry/the_apache_news_round_up109 |
39 |
Overview |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/ |
40 |
All Projects |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/alpha.html |
41 |
Attic |
text |
http://attic.apache.org/ |
42 |
Big Data |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#big-data |
43 |
Build Management |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#build-management |
44 |
Cloud |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#cloud |
45 |
Content |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#content |
46 |
Databases |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#database |
47 |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#ftp |
48 |
Graphics |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#graphics |
49 |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#http |
50 |
HTTP-module |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#httpd-module |
51 |
Incubating |
text |
http://incubator.apache.org/ |
52 |
JavaEE |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#javaee |
53 |
Labs |
text |
http://labs.apache.org/ |
54 |
Libraries |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#library |
55 |
Mail |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#mail |
56 |
Mobile |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#mobile |
57 |
Network-client |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#network-client |
58 |
Network-server |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#network-server |
59 |
OSGi |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#osgi |
60 |
RegExp |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#regexp |
61 |
Retired |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#retired |
62 |
Testing |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#testing |
63 |
Virtual-machine |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#virtual-machine |
64 |
Web-framework |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#web-framework |
65 |
text |
http://projects.apache.org/indexes/category.html#xml |
66 |
HTTP Server |
text |
http://httpd.apache.org/ |
67 |
Abdera |
text |
http://abdera.apache.org/ |
68 |
Acc***ulo |
text |
http://acc***ulo.apache.org/ |
69 |
text |
http://ace.apache.org/ |
70 |
ActiveMQ |
text |
http://activemq.apache.org/ |
71 |
Airavata |
text |
http://airavata.apache.org/ |
72 |
Allura |
text |
http://allura.apache.org/ |
73 |
Ambari |
text |
http://ambari.apache.org/ |
74 |
Ant |
text |
http://ant.apache.org/ |
75 |
Any23 |
text |
http://any23.apache.org/ |
76 |
Apex |
text |
http://apex.apache.org/ |
77 |
text |
http://apr.apache.org/ |
78 |
Archiva |
text |
http://archiva.apache.org/ |
79 |
Aries |
text |
http://aries.apache.org/ |
80 |
Arrow |
text |
http://arrow.apache.org/ |
81 |
AsterixDB |
text |
http://asterixdb.apache.org/ |
82 |
Aurora |
text |
http://aurora.apache.org/ |
83 |
Avro |
text |
http://avro.apache.org/ |
84 |
Axis |
text |
http://axis.apache.org/ |
85 |
Bahir |
text |
http://bahir.apache.org/ |
86 |
Bigtop |
text |
http://bigtop.apache.org/ |
87 |
Bloodhound |
text |
http://bloodhound.apache.org/ |
88 |
BookKeeper |
text |
http://bookkeeper.apache.org/ |
89 |
Brooklyn |
text |
http://brooklyn.apache.org/ |
90 |
Buildr |
text |
http://buildr.apache.org/ |
91 |
BVal |
text |
http://bval.apache.org/ |
92 |
Calcite |
text |
http://calcite.apache.org/ |
93 |
Camel |
text |
http://camel.apache.org/ |
94 |
Ca***andra |
text |
http://ca***andra.apache.org/ |
95 |
Cayenne |
text |
http://cayenne.apache.org/ |
96 |
Celix |
text |
http://celix.apache.org/ |
97 |
Chemistry |
text |
http://chemistry.apache.org/ |
98 |
Chukwa |
text |
http://chukwa.apache.org/ |
99 |
Clerezza |
text |
http://clerezza.apache.org/ |
100 |
CloudStack |
text |
http://cloudstack.apache.org/ |
101 |
Cocoon |
text |
http://cocoon.apache.org/ |
102 |
Commons |
text |
http://commons.apache.org/ |
103 |
Cordova |
text |
http://cordova.apache.org/ |
104 |
CouchDB |
text |
http://couchdb.apache.org/ |
105 |
Creadur |
text |
http://creadur.apache.org/ |
106 |
Crunch |
text |
http://crunch.apache.org/ |
107 |
text |
http://ctakes.apache.org/ |
108 |
Curator |
text |
http://curator.apache.org/ |
109 |
text |
http://cxf.apache.org/ |
110 |
DB |
text |
http://db.apache.org/ |
111 |
DeltaSpike |
text |
http://deltaspike.apache.org/ |
112 |
DeviceMap |
text |
http://devicemap.apache.org/ |
113 |
Directory |
text |
http://directory.apache.org/ |
114 |
Drill |
text |
http://drill.apache.org/ |
115 |
Empire-db |
text |
http://empire-db.apache.org/ |
116 |
Falcon |
text |
http://falcon.apache.org/ |
117 |
Felix |
text |
http://felix.apache.org/ |
118 |
Flex |
text |
http://flex.apache.org/ |
119 |
Flink |
text |
http://flink.apache.org/ |
120 |
Flume |
text |
http://flume.apache.org/ |
121 |
Forrest |
text |
http://forrest.apache.org/ |
122 |
Geronimo |
text |
http://geronimo.apache.org/ |
123 |
Giraph |
text |
http://giraph.apache.org/ |
124 |
Gora |
text |
http://gora.apache.org/ |
125 |
Groovy |
text |
http://groovy.apache.org/ |
126 |
Gump |
text |
http://gump.apache.org/ |
127 |
Hadoop |
text |
http://hadoop.apache.org/ |
128 |
Hama |
text |
http://hama.apache.org/ |
129 |
HBase |
text |
http://hbase.apache.org/ |
130 |
Helix |
text |
http://helix.apache.org/ |
131 |
Hive |
text |
http://hive.apache.org/ |
132 |
HttpComponents |
text |
http://hc.apache.org/ |
133 |
Isis |
text |
http://isis.apache.org/ |
134 |
Ignite |
text |
http://ignite.apache.org/ |
135 |
Jackrabbit |
text |
http://jackrabbit.apache.org/ |
136 |
James |
text |
http://james.apache.org/ |
137 |
jclouds |
text |
http://jclouds.apache.org/ |
138 |
Jena |
text |
http://jena.apache.org/ |
139 |
JMeter |
text |
http://jmeter.apache.org/ |
140 |
JSPWiki |
text |
http://jspwiki.apache.org/ |
141 |
Johnzon |
text |
http://johnzon.apache.org/ |
142 |
text |
http://juddi.apache.org/ |
143 |
Kafka |
text |
http://kafka.apache.org/ |
144 |
Karaf |
text |
http://karaf.apache.org/ |
145 |
Knox |
text |
http://knox.apache.org/ |
146 |
Kudu |
text |
http://kudu.apache.org/ |
147 |
Kylin |
text |
http://kylin.apache.org/ |
148 |
Lens |
text |
http://lens.apache.org/ |
149 |
Libcloud |
text |
http://libcloud.apache.org/ |
150 |
Logging |
text |
http://logging.apache.org/ |
151 |
Lucene |
text |
http://lucene.apache.org/ |
152 |
Lucene.Net |
text |
http://lucenenet.apache.org/ |
153 |
Lucy |
text |
http://lucy.apache.org/ |
154 |
Mahout |
text |
http://mahout.apache.org/ |
155 |
ManifoldCF |
text |
http://manifoldcf.apache.org/ |
156 |
Marmotta |
text |
http://marmotta.apache.org/ |
157 |
Maven |
text |
http://maven.apache.org/ |
158 |
Mesos |
text |
http://mesos.apache.org/ |
159 |
MetaModel |
text |
http://metamodel.apache.org/ |
160 |
text |
http://mina.apache.org/ |
161 |
MyFaces |
text |
http://myfaces.apache.org/ |
162 |
Nutch |
text |
http://nutch.apache.org/ |
163 |
Nifi |
text |
http://nifi.apache.org/ |
164 |
text |
http://ode.apache.org/ |
165 |
OFBiz |
text |
http://ofbiz.apache.org/ |
166 |
Olingo |
text |
http://olingo.apache.org/ |
167 |
Oltu |
text |
http://oltu.apache.org/ |
168 |
text |
http://oodt.apache.org/ |
169 |
Oozie |
text |
http://oozie.apache.org/ |
170 |
Open Climate Workbench |
text |
http://climate.apache.org/ |
171 |
OpenJPA |
text |
http://openjpa.apache.org/ |
172 |
OpenMeetings |
text |
http://openmeetings.apache.org/ |
173 |
OpenNLP |
text |
http://opennlp.apache.org/ |
174 |
OpenOffice |
text |
http://openoffice.apache.org/ |
175 |
OpenWebBeans |
text |
http://openwebbeans.apache.org/ |
176 |
text |
http://orc.apache.org/ |
177 |
Parquet |
text |
http://parquet.apache.org/ |
178 |
PDFBox |
text |
http://pdfbox.apache.org/ |
179 |
Perl |
text |
http://perl.apache.org/ |
180 |
Phoenix |
text |
http://phoenix.apache.org/ |
181 |
Pig |
text |
http://pig.apache.org/ |
182 |
Pivot |
text |
http://pivot.apache.org/ |
183 |
text |
http://poi.apache.org/ |
184 |
Portals |
text |
http://portals.apache.org/ |
185 |
Qpid |
text |
http://qpid.apache.org/ |
186 |
text |
http://reef.apache.org/ |
187 |
River |
text |
http://river.apache.org/ |
188 |
Roller |
text |
http://roller.apache.org/ |
189 |
Samza |
text |
http://samza.apache.org/ |
190 |
Santuario |
text |
http://santuario.apache.org/ |
191 |
Sentry |
text |
http://sentry.apache.org/ |
192 |
Serf |
text |
http://serf.apache.org/ |
193 |
ServiceMix |
text |
http://servicemix.apache.org/ |
194 |
s***ro |
text |
http://s***ro.apache.org/ |
195 |
text |
http://sis.apache.org/ |
196 |
Sling |
text |
http://sling.apache.org/ |
197 |
Spama***a***in |
text |
http://spama***a***in.apache.org/ |
198 |
Spark |
text |
http://spark.apache.org/ |
199 |
Sqoop |
text |
http://sqoop.apache.org/ |
200 |
Stanbol |
text |
http://stanbol.apache.org/ |
201 |
STeVe |
text |
http://steve.apache.org/ |
202 |
Storm |
text |
http://storm.apache.org/ |
203 |
Stratos |
text |
http://stratos.apache.org/ |
204 |
Struts |
text |
http://struts.apache.org/ |
205 |
Subversion |
text |
http://subversion.apache.org/ |
206 |
Synapse |
text |
http://synapse.apache.org/ |
207 |
Syncope |
text |
http://syncope.apache.org/ |
208 |
Tajo |
text |
http://tajo.apache.org/ |
209 |
Tapestry |
text |
http://tapestry.apache.org/ |
210 |
Tcl |
text |
http://tcl.apache.org/ |
211 |
Tez |
text |
http://tez.apache.org/ |
212 |
Thrift |
text |
http://thrift.apache.org/ |
213 |
Tika |
text |
http://tika.apache.org/ |
214 |
Tiles |
text |
http://tiles.apache.org/ |
215 |
Tinkerpop |
text |
http://tinkerpop.apache.org/ |
216 |
Tomcat |
text |
http://tomcat.apache.org/ |
217 |
TomEE |
text |
http://tomee.apache.org/ |
218 |
Traffic Server |
text |
http://trafficserver.apache.org/ |
219 |
Turbine |
text |
http://turbine.apache.org/ |
220 |
Twill |
text |
http://twill.apache.org/ |
221 |
text |
http://uima.apache.org/ |
222 |
Usergrid |
text |
http://usergrid.apache.org/ |
223 |
text |
http://vcl.apache.org/ |
224 |
Velocity |
text |
http://velocity.apache.org/ |
225 |
VXQuery |
text |
http://vxquery.apache.org/ |
226 |
Web Services |
text |
http://ws.apache.org/ |
227 |
Whimsy |
text |
http://whimsy.apache.org/ |
228 |
Wicket |
text |
http://wicket.apache.org/ |
229 |
Wink |
text |
http://wink.apache.org/ |
230 |
Xalan |
text |
http://xalan.apache.org/ |
231 |
Xerces |
text |
http://xerces.apache.org/ |
232 |
XMLBeans |
text |
http://xmlbeans.apache.org/ |
233 |
XML Graphics |
text |
http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/ |
234 |
Yetus |
text |
http://yetus.apache.org/ |
235 |
Zeppelin |
text |
http://zeppelin.apache.org/ |
236 |
Zest |
text |
http://zest.apache.org/ |
237 |
ZooKeeper |
text |
http://zookeeper.apache.org/ |
238 |
Overview |
text |
http://community.apache.org/ |
239 |
Summer of Code |
text |
http://community.apache.org/gsoc.html |
240 |
Getting Started |
text |
http://community.apache.org/newcomers/ |
241 |
Community FAQ |
text |
http://community.apache.org/newbiefaq.html |
242 |
Incubator |
text |
http://incubator.apache.org/ |
243 |
Labs |
text |
http://labs.apache.org/ |
244 |
Status |
text |
http://status.apache.org |
245 |
ASF News |
text |
https://blogs.apache.org/ |
246 |
Announcements |
text |
https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/ |
247 |
Twitter Feed |
text |
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